Tuesday, March 1, 2011

We're Rich!

First off, I feel I need to clarify that I did not think it was FUNNY that Nathan was attacked by a tarantula.  How the scene unfolded after the attack, (when I knew he was fine and I was still in shock) was a little funny. 

We are preparing for our trip into the Laos jungle.  We crossed at the Huay Xai border last night just before the immigration officials called it a day.  There was a 40 Baht 'overtime' fee added to our entry stamp.  Inconvenience fee.  We got some grilled chicken, papaya salad and a 'BeerLao' for dinner.  The papaya salads taste like fish even though theres no fish in them.  I don't know why we keep getting them.

I spent the morning washing some of our clothes.  When Nathan announced that the cleanest shirt he had for the day was one covered in bat guano from a cave encounter two weeks ago I had to put my foot down.  Today he is buying another t-shirt.  I felt entitled to some kind of reward for hand washing our clothes in the sink, so with our wallets combined we became millionaires.  Eight thousand Laos Kip is one US dollar.  I have a whopping 780,000 in my pocket.  Its actually a hassle to be this filthy rich..the bills keep popping out of my money pouch.

And here are some pictures!

The old temple in the center of Chiang Mai at sunset

I'm not sure if I blogged about our experience watching Thai boxing, but this is how close we were to the ring

Muay Thai, round three

This shot cost me dearly.  I was attacked by a vicious jungle thorn and was pulling spikes out of my skin for days.  It was on the road between Chiang Mai and Pai

That's banana all over his front appendages..he bit me when he realized his sweet dinner was gone.  Just a nibble.

Our beautiful jungle stilt cabin in the middle of nowhere

Boiling eggs at a hot spring North of Chiang Mai

Our cooking class from the GAP culinary institute

We graduated with highest honors

That's right folks...LADYBOY!  We saw an interesting performance by accident one evening at a night bazaar in Chiang Rai

The White Temple.  Just South of Chiang Rai.  This place had some interesting artwork.  Spiderman, Batman, a few characters from Avatar, and Neo from the Matrix were all incorporated into the inner chapel wall art

Another White Temple shot...crazy hands and feet coming from the ground at the entrance

Tarantula night.  See...Nathan is fine.  This was after the incident.

Tea plantations in the hills north of Chiang Rai at the Akha village where we stayed

A Lahu village house propped on the hillside.

This waterfall was a ten minute walk from our Hill house

Crossing into Laos

Fun little quiz for all of you...which of these items do you think cost more?  And about how much would you expect to spend?  Nathan had a great idea this morning...international 'Price Is Right'

1 comment:

First Wife said...

1. After rooming with you for 2 years I can attest to the fact that you laugh at others' misfortune.

2. Are you wearing anything under your cooking apron or do they cook in the nude in Thailand?

3. I NEED one of those rhino beetles for my bug collection. SERIOUSLY.

4. I'm not thrilled that the ladyboy is MUCH better looking then I am.

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