Sunday, February 6, 2011

We're Canadian

Yesterday was spent on the road.  13 hours of travel.  We woke to pounding and irritated jabbering at the door.  I stumbled to it and peeked out, squinting into the blazing sun...a bus full of people was watching me.  The man at the door screamed that the van was waiting!  Apparently neither of us bothered to look at our pick-up time for the transfer to the other coast..and it was twenty minutes past due.  I have never packed so quickly in my entire sticking straight up, eyes half closed, terrible morning breath, and a shirt on backwards we made it out the door in about four minutes.  I don't even know what Nathan was doing while I was throwing things, unplugging electronics and cursing our stupidity. I went from deep sleep to a crowded van full of Nigerians in less than 5. I was tempted to tell them all we were Canadian when they asked to protect our National image.  They'd been waiting in a hot van for twenty minutes.  Frazzled, confused, hoping not to have forgotten anything important I looked over at Nathan.  It was like he just finished a satisfying cup of tea and twenty minute meditation session.  Calm, slight grin on his face.  "What, you're not used to this kind of morning?" He says..."I wake up like this almost every morning for work."
Van to bus to ferry.  Two hours on the ferry and as we're unloading to the dock for another bus Nathan is several steps ahead of me.  He sees a man painting the dock, bright green...right where I'm about to walk.  I step in the paint.  Flash the man painting my best internationally recognized eyebrow raised-straight lip-I'm not impressed-expression as if to ask "Really? Painting the dock right where people are disembarking?"
I look up at Nathan to see if he'd stepped in the same paint.  His two feet are straddling the length of the paint strip and he dead pans "Wet paint."
God only knows why I find him so charming.
Bus took us about five hours, and just when we thought we were in the clear...we nail a truck carrying 15 people in the back as they try to cut off the bus.  Traffic stopped, our bus sat in the middle lane with a truck T-boned at the front waiting for the police.  After about twenty minutes we got a special offer to take the bus driver's side business transport van to our hotel.  They tossed our luggage to the top, tied it down moderately well and we were off.
We made it...Today in Phuket walking around, getting sun burned, waiting for our appetites to kick in so we can get some all you can eat sushi for ten dollars down town.  I think we'll be heading to Phi Phi Island tomorrow for some exploring.
Still trying to find a way to upload more pictures...we'll get it eventually


Dominique Audet said...

So I guess I'll have to take the canadian flag off my backpack now... Thanks Jenny ! ; )

I did my PADI certification in Kho Phi Phi a few years ago and the diving is simply amazing... I don't know if you already dive or want to learn but if you do, it's a great place to do it.

Love reading your blog... it makes me forget the snow for a few minutes.
Take care

Sandy said...

I am thoroughly enjoying your posts!

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