Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Batu Caves

Over the course of the last three-ish months I have been convinced that I suffer a rare condition whereby my head changes size while I am sleeping. I think Nathan agrees with me on some level because he regularly determines my head fatness with accuracy (when asked). He doesn't like this exercise, I can tell. At first I have a feeling he worried I was laying an intricate trap for him..lulling him into freely expressing how big my head appeared on a 1-10 scale. Now I can trust his honest opinion. Why am I beginning a post about the Batu caves wih my personal problems? Mostly to illustrate how distressing it was to have Nathan walking through the total black of the huge caverns with a flashlight pointed at the back of my skull, projecting my enormous gourd shadow onto stalactites and flows.
The cave was pretty incredible even if we did have to follow a guide and stay on a marked path. I also whitnessed my first attempted monkey attack. It had almost no impact on Nathan to have seen the ferocious primate leap into the air with teeth and claws wildly tearing at the ignoramus trying to get a closer look. I, on the other hand ranted about monkeys for the next twenty minutes.
Tonight we are headed to the movies. Nathan spent a couple long metro rides trying to explain the plots of the first two transformers movies to me in preparation. I learned he has a thing for Megan Fox.

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