Monday, January 10, 2011

22 Hours

Thank goodness for Bella's, a restaurant that serves incredible bacon in the middle of Nevada.  Nothing revives this weary traveler quite like bacon.  We left Luis and Sabrina's house in University Place Washington at 830 pm.  I took first shift and drove until 2 AM on Saturday night/morning.  Nathan took his shift just in time to drive us through a blizzard in Eastern Oregon.  I slept through most of it but do remember the sound of gravel chips ricocheting off of our low riding cargo box of a car.  Third shift brought us to Bella's where we stuffed our grumpy, tired, and in Nathan's case, sick faces.  He slept another couple of hours then finished off our 22 hour drive to the Imperial Palace on the Las Vegas strip at 6 pm.  The timing of our arrival felt ominous.  What are the chances we'll arrive anywhere exactly when we expect ever again?  Unlikely..
We are taking today to recover (in Las Vegas of all places) from our poor sleep and head colds while also gambling and mastering the art of free drinks.  I turned a dollar at a penny slot into 0 dollars plus a Bloody Mary so I'm feeling pretty good.
Also on the agenda today is finding a high and a low beam for the left front headlight of Nathan's car.  His car is completely missing a right headlight due to a mysterious Seattle hit and run accident (another story all together).  I was informed just after dark on the second evening of driving that if the high beam of the one working headlight were to go out we would be in trouble.  No low beam bulb.  Fortunately for us we did not lose our sight..we just irritated every Nevadan driver that passed us heading west with our one blazing bright.
I am trying to enforce mandatory afternoon nap for Nathan who is oozing snot and spreading germs but he can't stop researching Sperm Whale factoids.  For anyone who's never heard of Ambergris, the squid beak digestive pearl regurgitated by these giant carnivores..Google it.
Tomorrow:  Texas

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