Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lady Boy Bonanza

Lady Boy sighted.
They grope.  They steal your wallets.  They are prettier than me. They have beautiful skin.  Enough said.

Another day in Koh Samui..beach walking, swimming, eating amazing Thai dishes. We've determined all roads are actually one way roads, in both directions.  Our driver from the pier to the hotel was either trying to get to his next life or trying to expedite his passengers into theirs.  I think we passed four cars and five mopeds going fifty on a blind curve.  It reminded me of driving with a friend of mine from Aberdeen ( Aaron)

I don't know if any of you speak Thai, but I hadn't heard anyone speak it before coming here. For men, after every sentence (and sometimes between sentences) they use the word 'cup' to show respect for the person they're talking to.  For women, its 'kaaaah'.  A sample conversation:

Receptionist:  "Good morning. Cup."
Me: (smile)
Receptionist: "Cup."
Receptionist: "Would you like your breakfast voucher? Cup."
Me: "Yes please."
Receptionist: "Cup."

So, naturally I've started using the feminine form of this at all possible moments when speaking English to Nathan.
"Hey Nathan, can you hand me the toothpaste?  Kaaaaaaaaaaaah."
"Thanks.  Kaaaaaaaaaaaaah."
He loves it.

We're heading to Phuket tomorrow.  Another tourist haven.  We'll be laying low, spending time on the beach, and in Nathan's case, peeling.  He has turned a strange shade of magenta from over exposure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did Nathan "disappear" for a few minutes when the LB's came around? Keep an eye on him...
IGH loves the blog, keep up the good work.


PS - I don't pass cars on blind corners... much.

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